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System 7 Echo Rules, Last Modified 12/14/92
SYSTEM7 is an internationally distributed Echomail conference.
It is carried on the Fidonet Zone 1 Backbone, and thus Fidonet policies
regarding echomail apply to the administration of this echo. SYSTEM7
may be gated to other networks with the moderator's permission, but
that network may not have an echomail policy that is in disagreement
with Fidonet's. In case of conflict, Fidonet's rules will be
considered paramount, and will apply to the recipients of this echo
in other networks.
For all intents and purposes, the rules for technical content of
EchoMail as defined in BB_PROCD.A01 are adopted for use in this echo.
BB_PROCD.A01 defines a SINGLE TEARLINE beginning with 3 dashes, and not
exceeding 25 characters containing only "packer" or editor program
information, an ORIGINLINE as not exceeding 79 characters including the
required ending of a proper network address, and prohibits the use of
characters above ASCII 127 and non-printable, low-order codes. (See
BB_PROCD.A01, file requestable at 1:2605/620 for further details).
Some software, particularly QWK readers may generate "tag lines". These
lines do NOT conform to the standards for either Origin or Tear lines,
therefore they must not be included in messages posted to this echo.
Generally, the scope and nature of SYSTEM7's distribution determines what
an appropriate posting is, and is not.
Inappropriate postings are defined as messages that are of local or
solely of individual interest, or do not deal with SYSTEM7 in
direct fashion, or are not messages. The purpose of SYSTEM7 is
discussion of utilization of SYSTEM7 _features_, ONLY. This includes
software compatability, programming the new toolbox calls, how to use
new features, and installation.
Examples of off-topic messages are:
- What mailer or offline reader is best
- Which version of System 6.0.x is most stable
- How to install TrueType or the Comm Toolbox in System 6.0.x
- Binhex 4.0 or otherwise encoded files. These are NOT messages!
- BBS advertisements (Please place these on the backboned USBBSADS echo)
- Why it's great to speak Japanese
- Babaganoosh Recipes
- For Sale ads (These are appropriate in echos like Mac4Sale or MacFSale)
- How to unlock Hypercard's scripting features
- General Macintosh chatter - there are several other echos for this
- Apple's system software distribution license terms
- Testing... 1 2 3
This echo will be administered by netmail. Complaints are to be sent by
NETMAIL to the moderator, who will then act as appropriate. If
necessary, public announcements may be made by the moderator to control
outbursts of flaming or to request termination of off-topic threads.
If you are going to contribute successfully to SYSTEM7, you must
consider the impact of your words before you write them. You are
certainly allowed to disagree with anyone on the echo, but please be
polite, don't state your opinions as facts, and be moderate. If you
choose to not be polite, then I guess we'll explore exactly how much
power Fidonet actually has given to the moderators of their conferences.
Representives of companies selling computer hardware and software
must identify themselves if they are involved in discussions that
they or their companies have a financial interest in.
Social Comments (may later become rules):
Pseudonyms or handles are discouraged.
Sysops linking into SYSTEM7 are encouraged to make netmail freely
available to their users, especially if they have backbone routed
netmail available. Users are encouraged to reply to off-topic
messages by netmail.
Excessive quoting is discouraged. If your message is more than one-half
quoted text, you are probably quoting too much.
Signature or other automated fluff with no informational content is
One liners, such as "Thanks" or "Right-On" are discouraged. With
the overhead of the standard echomail "envelope" such messages have a
very low signal to bandwidth ratio. If you need to send "Thanks", please
do. But please send it by netmail.
Eric Larson, 1:2605/620
SYSTEM7 Moderator